In this episode John Stiles & Todd Dexheimer discuss the book Getting Things Done by David Allen.
John & Todd came away with opposite reactions to the book. Let’s just say it wasn’t the most exciting read. However John found the strategies and tactics to be useful for attacking the ever-increasing load of “knowledge work” we are faced with. Since we can’t always see or visualize the work that needs to be done it can be difficult to comprehend what all is involved. Additionally we are constantly bombarded with distractions and if we don’t have a plan and trusted process for dealing with all of the important thoughts then our minds can get bogged down and never really reach it’s full potential.
The subconscious can’t seem to distinguish from something that needs to get done now and something that could get done someday – maybe. Instead it just bubbles up reminders that things need to get done.
David Allen outlines different ways to remove these subconscious reminders and create trust with ourselves so that we can focus on what things to do next.
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John Stiles is a licensed MN real estate agent with Bridge Realty.
To learn more, check out John’s website:
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