Learn how Sterling Chapman generates cash from single family homes in order to buy larger apartment buildings.

Sterling is a proud family man with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and an MBA from Louisiana State University. He spent his early career in the financial services industry focusing on retirement and insurance planning before eventually transitioning to the Telcom industry. Through his successful corporate career in Telcom, Sterling has mastered the art and science of sales, funnel management, marketing, account management, strategic business planning and financial forecasting. He began his real estate investing journey in early 2018 purchasing single-family houses and quickly moved up to duplexes and fourplexes, flipping houses and eventually large multifamily. Sterling has over $26.5M in Assets under management and his portfolio now consists of 82 single family or small multifamily rental units, a 53-unit apartment complex in Newnan, GA and a 70-unit complex in Rock Hill, SC. Self-managing and overseeing the renovations personally for the first few years has taught Sterling a ton about the industry. In addition to founding Crestworth Capital, he is also the Host of The Rent Roll Radio Show, Co-host of the Red Stick REIA and has been featured as an industry expert on dozens of other real estate podcasts.

3 Pillars

  1. People
  2. Buy for cash flow over appreciation
  3. Building systems/processes that remove me from the business

Books: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson

You can connect with Sterling on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, www.crestworthcapital.com or sterling@crestworthcapital.com

Interested in coaching? Schedule a call with Todd at www.coachwithdex.com

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