Ben Lebovich and Sam Grooms with Whitehaven Capital join us today to discuss being consistent, gaining systems and organization and using professionals in you business. They also talk about why it’s important to not be all things to all people and the fact that exponential growth requires others.

Ben is a Violin player that changed careers due to MS. He started investing in 2006 and now with his partner invest in value add multi-family. 
Sam is a CPA turned real estate investor. Sam started flipping and buying single-family homes, along with some passive investing. Sam and Ben formed Whitehaven Capital to focus on building the multi-family investing business.

Check out their upcoming syndication event:

Also, connect with them at or

Books: How I Turned $1000 into $5million In Real Estate in My Spare Time by William Nickerson
Complete Guide to Buying and Selling Apartment Buildings by Steve Berges

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